“Hope is the confident expectation of divine blessing and the beatific vision of God; it is also the fear of offending God’s love and of incurring punishment.” -Catechism of the Catholic Church #2090
For Reflection: What is the twofold definition of hope given to us in this paragraph from the Catechism? How are they linked together? Hint: How is a confident expectation of divine blessing related to the fear of offending God? To what extent do my thoughts, words, and deeds reveal my hope?
Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina
St. Faustina Kowalska Pb 730 pgs
Preface Page vii
The Diary of(Saint Maria) Faustina is the record of her life experience--the journey of her soul. She was graced by a special communion with God, and the Diary expresses her conviction that this communion ought to be the center of our lives.