“It is said that the Holy Spirit dwells in the souls of the just. If this is so, then he must dwell in the most perfect manner possible in the soul of the Immaculata. Our Most holy Mother is totally suffused with the divine.”
-St Maximilian Kolbe
For Reflection:
What do you think St. Maximilian Kolbe means when he says Mary “is totally suffused with the divine”? What new depth of understanding does this bring to your perspective of Our Blessed Lady?
The Three Conversions in the Spiritual Life by Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange Pb 112 pgs Click Here For More Information
Foreward Page ix
This little book, presented in a form accessible to all spiritual souls, is in reality a synopsis of two larger works, which, however, it is not necessary to have read in order easily to understand what we have written here.