I worship Thee, sweet will of God! And all Thy ways adore, And every day I live I seem To love Thee more and more.
Thou wert the end, the blessed rule Of Jesu’s toils and tears; Thou wert the passion of His heart Those three and thirty years. ~Father Faber
For Reflection:
Is the will of God “the passion” of my heart?
Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars by Monica Miller: H C, 336 pages Click Here For More Information
THE STORY I HAVE TO TELL As this prologue is written, Barack Obama is the president--a supporter of legalized abortion. Someone else will take his place, but the battle over legalized abortion will continue. After nearly forty years of controversy, it appears that the war over abortion will not come to a quick and easy end. My hope is that this book will shed a light on one of the most desperate moments in the history of the world--a moment in which we have before us that great struggle over life itself and the meaning of human existence.