Daily, Daily Sing to Mary - Omni die dic Mariae
A copy of this hymn by Bernard of Cluny was found beneath the right temple of St. Casimir's incorrupt body when his grave was opened.
Daily, daily sing to Mary, Sing, my soul, her praises due: All her feasts, her actions honor With the heart's devotion true.
Lost in wond'ring contemplation, Be her majesty confessed: Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest.
She is mighty in her pleading, Tender in her loving care; Ever watchful, understanding, All our sorrows she will share.
Advocate and loving mother, Mediatrix of all grace: Heaven's blessings she dispenses On our sinful human race.
All our graces flow through Mary; All then join her praise to sing: Fairest work of all creation, Mother of creation's King.
Sing in songs of peace unending, Call upon her lovingly: Seat of wisdom, Gate of heaven, Morning star upon the sea.
For Reflection:This song by St. Bernard of Cluny, treasured by St. Casimir, provides a catechesis on the Blessed Mother as well as listing some of her most well known titles. Make a list of what this song teaches us about Mary, and then list the various titles of Our Lady that are both stated and implicit in it.