“Whatever the good God has given me has always pleased me, even the gifts which have appeared to me less good and less beautiful than those received by others.”
- St. Therese of Lisieux
For Reflection: How often I am discouraged, jealous, envious, and lacking peace because I see what others have that I do not! Today, I will ask St. Therese to intercede for me that I may not lust for that which I do not have, but be filled with gratitude for that which has been given to me.
Manual for Spiritual Warfare Paul Thigpen (344 pgs) Click Here For More Information: Part One: Preparing for Battle Page 5-6
Evidence of the battle
Satan's existence has also been affirmed in authoritative declarations by Popes and Church councils. He's referred to in the liturgy of the Church. And throughout the centuries, numerous saints, whose moral integrity and mental health could hardly be debated, have testified to personal battles with demonic assailants.