Oh, Virgin Joy of all the world art thou,
In whose white, fragrant steps the countless throng
On souls elect doth follow God with song:
Creation’s Queen, whose bright and holy brow
The multitude of Saints, like stars, endow
With changeful splendors, flashing far and strong:
The Main unshadow’d by the primal wrong: God’s Lily, chosen in His shrine to bow. All these thy glories are, and still a grace More high, more dread, and yet more sweet and fair, Doth bind thy royal brows, O Mary blest. God called thee Mother; yea, His sacred face The tender likeness of thine own doth wear. And thou art ours---we trust Him for the rest. -St Elizabeth Seton
For Reflection:
The saintly poet ends with the proclamation that Mary is our mother. Have I accepted her as such? Why or why not? To what extent have I seen her maternal influence in my life?
The Eternal Woman: The Timeless Meaning of the Feminine Gertrud von le Fort Click Here For More Information Pb 128 pgs
There are books that being timeless are always timely. This is why the reprinting of Gertrud von le Fort's The Eternal Woman should be not only welcomed, but acclaimed....With unfailing female intuition, von le Fort addressed this topic of crucial and perennial importance: the role of woman in the salvation of the world, which is the battlefield between good and evil, life and death.