“O religious soul, dove beloved of Christ, behold those little pieces of straw which the world tramples under its feet. They are the virtues practiced by the Savior and thy Spouse, for which He Himself has set thee an example: humility, meekness, poverty, penance, patience, and mortification.”
-St. Anthony of Padua For Reflection:
Think of three examples of Jesus’ patience as presented to us in Sacred Scripture. Think of three examples of Our Lady. How do the instances of these examples parallel situations I have experienced? Did I exercise patience in these times? I will pray for the grace to do so in the future.
True Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis De Montfort. Fr. Frederick Faber, translator Pb 215 Pgs Click Here For More Information:
FROM THE POPES pages vii - viii
Pope Pius XII "The greatest force behind all his (St. Louis De Montfort's ) apostolic ministry and his great secret for attracting and winning souls for Jesus was his devotion to Mary." (From Canonization address, July 20, 1947).
Pope Paul VI: "We are convinced without any doubt that devotion to Our Lady is essentially joined with devotion to Christ, that it assures a firmness of conviction to faith in Him and in His Church, a vital adherence to Him and to His Church which, without devotion to Mary, would be impoverished and compromised."