“Baptism initiates us into the Christian life. Often, the dignity of the baptized person is veiled by the ordinary circumstances of his life, so, like the saints, we must strive hard to live in accordance with that dignity at all costs.”
~Francis Fernandez
For Reflection:
To what extent does my daily life reflect the dignity of my baptism? In what specific areas must I strive to live more in union with that dignity? Am I willing to cooperate with grace for this transformation to take place?
Simon Peter School Scripture Study A-Z Memory Verses Teacher's Manual (3rd - 5th Grades) by Tammy Woell Paperback 77 pages Click Here For More Information
"Throughout the world, the home is the crucial factor in determining children's overall performance... The vital influence of parents on the social and religious development of their children must be more widely recognized. Family life needs to be strengthened so that children and youth will derive their values from the home rather than from potentially undesirable sources outside the home. The Church, especially through the parish, should provide an intensified support system for family life." National Catechetical Directory for Catholics of the United States, #25