“If I am asked how bread is changed into the Body of Christ, I answer: ‘The Holy Ghost overshadows the priest and operates in the same manner in the elements which He effected in the womb of the Virgin Mary.’”
~St John of Damascus
For Reflection:
What splendor I witness every time I attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! How this enhances my appreciation and understanding of the priesthood! Today, I will offer a prayer on behalf of all of the priests I know; and, at my earliest opportunity, I will thank my pastor for saying “yes” to the vocation of the priesthood.
In Conversation With God Vol 2 Daily Meditations Lent and Easter Francis Fernandez-Carvajal Pb 609 pgs Click Here For More Information. SECOND WEEK OF LENT-THURSDAY 16. DETACHMENT 16.1 Detachment from things gives us the freedom we need to follow Christ. Goods are only the means. ...In today's First reading, the prophet Jeremiah gives his message: A blessing on the man who puts his trust in the Lord, and has the Lord for his hope. He is like a tree by the waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream: when the heat comes it feels no alarm; its foliage stays green; it has no worries in a year of drought and never ceases to bear fruit. The Lord looks after a soul which has placed its heart in Him.