“Though abstinence and prayer be of great merit, yet sickness, suffered with patience, is of much greater.”
~St. Pachomius
For Reflection:
In my current sickness or suffering, how can I exercise patience for the love of God so that it can be redemptive for me and for others?
A Year with Mary: Daily Meditations on the Mother of God NEW! by Paul Thigpen; 388 pgs Click Here For More Information How to Use this Book
Each meditation has a brief introduction. After the reading, you're asked to consider in God's presence what the author is saying. These questions are intended to spur you to ponder, not just what the text means, but what it means for you personally. Finally, each day has a brief closing prayer related to the reading. Most of these prayers are from saints and other spiritual writers, but some are original, and some are simply traditional Catholic prayers. You may, of course, choose to pray in your own words instead.