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Answering the Call at a Women of Grace Retreat!

FullSizeRenderI could not go another day, without thanking the Women of Grace and Benedicta Leadership event team.  I had the best experience going to retreat in Malvern, PA this year.

For 7 years my sacred sister, Regional Coordinator, Martha Nicolli, has invited me to participate in this event, and it was always around the time our family travelled to Wisconsin for the summer.  This year, when Martha invited me again for the 7th time, I said ‘yes’ and immediately booked my flight three months in advance.  I knew it was a commitment I couldn’t break.  When it is God’s time, He makes everything perfect, there was nothing in the way that weekend to prevent my trip, so prayers began against any temptation that would get in the way of my attending the retreat.

I have been at many retreats and usually try to go to one once a year.  This retreat opened a new path in my spiritual walk with the Lord.  It was the very best retreat I have been part of since my first retreat when I was 14 years old.  God in His infinite mercy, has since poured on His graces abundantly upon our family.  As I returned from Malvern, PA I had the blessing of receiving the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima at our home, and was able to have a Rosary and consecration to Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary with my husband and two children (who are leaving for College this year).  When we say “yes” and we give our fiat like Mary did, God pours His blessings upon us. This week our family is preparing to go through the Holy Doors of Mercy at our local Archdiocese, and this could not be possible without the prayers and graces we are receiving.

IMG_2694Next weekend before we go to our family vacation and drop our daughter off at University, I can confidently say that scripture that comes to mind, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” Mt 25:20.  I can look back today, and I have no regrets of where God has led me in my spiritual path.

Women of Grace has helped me to grow in my faith and thanks to the continued formation by Women of Grace I continue to grow spiritually as a disciple of the Most High God.

We are living in unprecedented times, like Johnnette shared with us throughout the weekend.  Now, more than ever, we need to claim who we are and we need to be faithful to Jesus who will continue to pour upon us His graces. We are the instrument of transformation in the world today, and we need to take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of us, especially during this Year of Mercy.  I am looking forward to the graces that continue to pour on me and my family. Jesus calls us to serve as His disciple, promising that the Father, who loves us has counted every hair on our heads and will give us the grace to minister to others by word and deed.  Jesus calls not to be fearful, for He will teach us all we need to know.  He gives us the grace and strength we need to go where He leads us.

Would you answer His call? 

Alicia McDermott, Lighthouse Point, FL

For details about our upcoming Women of Grace Retreat being held August 5-7 at Ave Maria University, FL, click here.





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