
Blog Posts

January Gracelines

St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor (1225 - 1274) "Whoever wishes to live perfectly should do nothing but disdain what Christ disdained on the cross and desire what he desired, for the cross exemplifies every virtue." St. Thomas Aquinas For Reflection: Read Matthew 27:35-50. What virtues do I see exemplified by Jesus on the cross? What What did Jesus disdain on the cross? What did he desire? What virtues do I see exemplified by Jesus on the cross? In what ways can I do likewise?

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WOG Facilitator Spotlight: Martha Nicolli

During the first session of the Women of Grace study, I tell the women that my mother named me appropriately, Martha because I’m “a doer!”  But one day I heard a voice in the inner recesses of my heart say, “Martha, Martha, Come and sit with Mary at my feet.” The next thing I knew, I found myself participating in a Women of Grace study at a nearby parish!!
I fell in love with the study and realized I had a long, long way to go on my spiritual journey. The rain of graces from the study poured, not only upon my self, but upon my family as well.  My husband and I began praying the rosary together and the following Fall, Tony was right beside me as a daily communicant!!  My burning desire, my mission, was to create an opportunity for women from all walks of life to embark upon this journey of discovery and transformation.
The week that I was to begin facilitating my first Women of Grace group at my parish, negative thoughts plagued me like, “What are you doing?  You can’t facilitate this program! You don’t know enough! What if you are asked a question, and you do not know the answer?!”  I held my ground and didn’t allow the evil one to discourage me.
Throughout the bible we see how the Lord “qualifies the unqualified.” That was me but through my fiat, my “yes”, three Women of Grace studies were implemented at my parish; one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.  At one point, we had five studies running at various times throughout the week.  Over three hundred women have had the opportunity to go through this life-changing program and it is now being offered in five other surrounding parishes.
Our Lady impregnated my soul with a holy zeal for Women of Grace.  As a facilitator, a profound gift is given!!  The Holy Spirit allows me to witness His abundant fruit sprouting in the hearts of the women he has entrusted to me.  Just one example was when I saw a woman’s face transformed after she returned to the Sacrament of Reconciliation after forty years!!
For those considering becoming a facilitator, I can not express the importance of spending time in prayer.  It is prayer which allows the Holy Spirit to work in and through you.
As this New Year unfolds, may Our Lady and her spouse, the Holy Spirit, prepare your hearts with a double portion of fortitude to birth Jesus to the world!

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Fr. Robert Barron on Abortion

Fr. Robert Barren's recent video commentary about the recently published abortion statistics for New York is excellent and well worth watching.  The numbers are sobering, particularly with regard to the disproportionate rates of abortions among the African American community.  He highlights how the pro-abortion community is fueling these frightening trends and the need for greater education and support for those who feel they are left without options when faced with a crisis pregnancy.  Definitely a must see during this week in which we reflect and pray about the devastating Roe vs. Wade decision.

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Repeal of ObamaCare Not Dead Yet in Senate

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who is known to be an expert on the Senate's most arcane rules, has already begun a legislative process that will bring the House-passed repeal of ObamaCare to a vote where many nervous Democrats up for re-election in 2012 will be forced to make their position known on the vastly unpopular bill.

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New Cosmetic Line Targets 8-12 year-olds

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist

Forcing girls to grow up too fast has become a cottage industry in the United States with Walmart now jumping on the bandwagon by planning to introduce a new cosmetic line that targets tweens with lipstick, blush, mascara and even an anti-aging cream.

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January Gracelines

Feast of St. Angela Merici, Virgin (1470 - 1540) "Mothers and sisters most dear to me in Christ: in the first place strive with all your power and zeal to be open. With the help of God, try to receive such good counsel that, led solely by the love of God and an eagerness to save souls, you may fulfill your charge.Only if the responsibilities committed to you are rooted in this twofold charity will they bear beneficial and saving fruit." St. Angela Merici For Reflection: To what extent are the responsibilities committed to me rooted in the twofold charity St. Angela Merici recommends? How can I help these roots to grow?

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Neurofeedback is Gaining Respectability

NOTE: This blog was updated in April, 2021

LW writes:  "My wife’s therapist has recommended she start Neurofeedback therapy. After seeing a demonstration of what it is I am a little skeptical of how effective it would be. I’ve searched the internet and only see promotions for it and that it’s supposed to be helpful. Can you provide any information, opinion or recommendation for this type of therapy? Would it be considered New Age?"

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