
Blog Posts

Anonymous Vigilante Terrorizing Diocese of Little Rock

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist An unidentified man is threatening to do bodily harm to an Arkansas priest who he claims abused his child, prompting the bishop of Little Rock to issue an urgent appeal to all parishes to help find this man and the victim of the alleged crime.

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Lawmakers to Launch Investigation of Planned Parenthood

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee has announced plans to investigate a 37-page report issued last week by Americans United for Life (AUL) which outlines Planned Parenthood's long record of violating state laws in its abortion practice.

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"Restraining my impatience cost me so much that I was bathed in perspiration." St. Therese of Lisieux For Reflection: How consoling to know that the Little Flower struggled so with patience - at least once! Am I willing to "sweat" to acquire this virtue? St. Therese pray for me! (See tomorrow's Grace Line for one saint's suggestion on how to increase patience.)

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New York Times Misrepresents NFP and Attacks Christianity

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist With no mention of any of the thousands of success stories attributable to modern natural family planning (NFP) methods, The New York Times has published a 1,000 word diatribe against the practice based solely on the story of one couple who ended up divorced after having more children than they wanted.

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"Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew." St. Francis de Sales For Reflection: Why is practicing patience with ourselves a good way to learn to be patient with others? How can I begin anew today to set about remedying my own imperfections?

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"Only the strong man can exercise living patience, can take upon himself again and again the things that are; only he can always begin anew. Patience without strength is mere passivity, dull acceptance, growing accustomed to being a mere thing." Romano Guardini For Reflection: What characteristic marks a patient person? Why? Do I see myself as this kind of a person? Why or why not? (See tomorrow's Grace Line for encouragement if you feel you fall short.)

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"We can resist or change many things according to our wishes; but basically we must accept what comes and is given to us. To understand this and to act accordingly is patience. Anyone who is unwilling to do this is in constant conflict with his own existence." Romano Guardini For Reflection: To what extent do I accept what comes and is given to me? How can I bring myself into conformity with the permissive will of God? (See tomorrow's Grace Line by Father Guardini to discover the characteristics of a patient person.)

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