Blog Posts
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced yesterday that it has received new documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detailing reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil, including reports of 26 new deaths since 2010.
Number of Women Religious in Steep Decline
Dismal numbers released last month at the annual assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), an organization recently investigated by the Vatican for its support of female ordination and homosexuality, may foreshadow the end of many orders in the U.S.
The Rosary
"The contemplation of Christ has an incomparable model in Mary. In the recitation of the Rosary, the Christian community enters into contact with the memories and the contemplative gaze of Mary."
Pope John Paul II
For Reflection:
As I pray the Rosary, do I make a mental effort to see Jesus through the eyes of Mary? When I next pick up my beads, I will ask Mary to help me see her Son through her so that I might know Him more perfectly.
Sarandon Refuses to Apologize for Calling Pope a "Nazi"
Despite being under intense criticism for her remarks, actress Susan Sarandon is refusing to apologize for referring to Pope Benedict XVI as a "Nazi" in a recent interview.
High-Schoolers Walk Out on Gay Play
In an effort to raise "awareness," a high school in Hartford, Connecticut made the mistake of sponsoring a gay-themed play that featured two men kissing, an event that caused students to walk out and brought "a lot" of angry calls from parents.
Dutch Officials to Allow Euthanasia for Loneliness and Financial Woes
The Dutch Medical Association continues its slide down the slippery slope of the culture of death by expanding the meaning of "unbearable suffering" to include such things as loneliness, incontinence and financial woes.
Catholic Priest Claims Jesus was the "Greatest Yogi"
The same priest who was involved in a flap over yoga in the UK several years ago and said Jesus was the "greatest yogi" has now introduced mandatory yoga classes at St. Peter's College in India where a giant picture of Jesus sitting in a yoga position sits at the entrance to the school.
The Rosary
"If [the pray-er of the Rosary] should listen daily to this secret teaching in the depth of his heart, this prayer would kindle in him the desire of heaven, of the glory of God, and the salvation of souls; it would give him a love of the cross and strength to carry it, and from time to time a foretaste of heaven, a certain savor of eternal life."
Reginald Garrigou- Lagrange
For Reflection:
What do I think it means to "listen to this secret teaching in the depth" of my heart? To what extent have I experienced any of the spiritual realities of this quote while I have prayed the Rosary? How can I aid myself during my prayer time to listen more closely?
Proposed Law Could be a Game-Changer in Illinois Catholic Charities Adoption Controversy
A lawmaker in Illinois has introduced legislation that will enable Catholic Charities to continue its foster care and adoption services without serving same-sex couples.
Why Was God's Name Left Off the Martin Luther King Memorial?
Controversy is raging over the new Martin Luther King memorial in Washington DC which features not a single mention of God despite the fact that King was a Baptist minister.