Feast of St. Gertrude, Virgin (1256 – 1301)
Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207 – 1231)
Should Thanksgiving Become Just Another Shopping Day?
Feast of St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor (1206 – 1280)
“[Jesus] could not have commanded anything more beneficial, for this sacrament is the fruit of the tree of life. Anyone who receives this sacrament with the devotion of sincere faith will never taste death.”
- St. Albert the Great
For Reflection:
To what extent do I receive Holy Communion with sincere faith? Is there anything I can do to increase my devotion? (Consider the following: More frequent use of the Sacrament of Penance, a more devout practice of the moral virtues, a time of recollection before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a prayerful thanksgiving after communion, a pious and reverent reception of the Sacred Species.)
CA Gender Identity Law to Go on Hold
Using Sex to Sell Obamacare
The purveyors of the rapidly sinking Affordable Care Act have sunk to new levels of desperation in a new ad campaign targeting young women with invitations to have sex without worry because Obamacare covers birth control.