Departing from his prepared text for yesterday's Angelus address, Pope Francis issued an impassioned plea to the leaders of the Middle East, Iraq and Ukraine to stop the wars that are enveloping those regions.
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The Lion's Heart is a new novel by Dena Hunt (
Treason) that portrays a romance between a homosexual and a married man that depicts the raw truth about homosexual love and illustrates the profound wisdom of Church teaching on the meaning of sexuality and human love.
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Ilana Rubenfeld
SV writes: "I wonder if you might post my experience with the Rubenfeld Synergy Method. I found the work personally very helpful. I also had the opportunity to be in several of Ilana Rubenfelds classes. They were amazingly helpful not only to the observers but also the person on the table. . . "
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"To bear with patience, wrongs done to oneself
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"For a stalk to grow or a flower to open there must be time
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"God gives us the vision, then He takes us
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The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) announced yesterday that it will begin construction of its first West Coast production facility in the former Crystal Cathedral, which is just outside of Disneyland in California.
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Women across America are reacting with outrage to the newly released trailer for the upcoming
Fifty Shades of Grey movie which romanticizes and normalizes sexual violence and the degradation of women.
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Regardless of how appealing they might appear, spirit mediums are engaging in one of the most dangerous practices - contacting the supposed dead - and often do so in rooms full of people who are all at risk for infestation from the "dead relatives" they allegedly contact.
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Wheaton College in Illinois
The Obama Administration has announced that it is planning to revise a problematic rule requiring religious employers who wish to be exempt from providing contraceptive coverage to file paperwork with health insurance companies, but skeptics are taking a "wait and see" attitude toward the announcement.
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