This week we will be celebrating the #WeekofGrace. It is a week to highlight the ways that women of grace are transforming lives around the world. We will feature testimonials that have been submitted on our website and via the radio program. Johnnette will be interviewing several individuals who will share their stories of hope and transformation.
Blog Posts
Jihadist Strikes in Sydney
UPDATE 12:04 pm: Gunman and two hostage are dead.
Australian police have ended a 16 hour siege that took place in a cafe in Sydney Australia when a violent Muslim jihadist took more than a dozen persons hostage.
We're All Sinners!
Love & Prayers
Brooklyn Diocese Launches Hip New Christmas Ad Campaign
Global Jihad Killed 170 People Per Day in November
The Many Health Benefits of Tibetan Mushroom Kefir
JS writes: "I was wondering if you could advise me on the use and consumption of milk/kefir made out of the Tibetan mushrooms."
The Best Form of Love
Another Seedy Abortionist Brought to Justice
Should Satanic Invocations Be Allowed Before Public Meetings?
A Broward County, Florida mayor is under fire for walking out of a meeting because a so-called atheist who had publicly offended Christians was permitted to give a satanic invocation before the session began.