More than 140 persons are believed dead after a passenger plane flying from Barcelona, Spain to Dusseldorf, Germany crashed into a remote and mountainous area in the French alps.
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“Let each look to himself and see what God
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A vial of blood from the patron saint of the Italian city of Naples transformed from its usual solid state into a liquid after a visit from Pope Francis, marking the first time since 1848 that this phenomenon occurred during the visit of a sitting pontiff.
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Pine Bush students react to Arabic pledge
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
An upstate New York school district has issued a formal apology after Pine Bush High School students were made to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic last week while celebrating Foreign Language Week.
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A 22 month-old Pennsylvania boy whose lifeless body was pulled from the icy Buffalo Creek in Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania was revived after an hour and 41 minutes of CPR - with no brain damage!
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PB asks: “
I noticed the Disney Junior TV series called "Sophia the First." She becomes a princess when her mother marries a king. There is a royal sorcerer and Sophia wears an amulet around her neck. There are also Sophia dolls, etc. Could you let me know if this show is harmless and okay to view or should we discourage this for our children.”
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“He who wills only what God wills, possesses
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“I will see the hand of God in all that
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I worship Thee, sweet will of God!
And all Thy ways adore,
And every day I live I seem
To love Thee more and more.
Thou wert the end, the blessed rule
Of Jesu’s toils and tears:
Thou wert the passion of His heart
Those three and thirty years.
-Father Faber
For Reflection:
Is the will of God “the passion” of my heart?
Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Paul Thigpen (344 pgs)
Click Here For More Information:
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The primary purpose of this manual, then, is to help everyday Catholics recognize, resist, and overcome the Enemy's attacks in their own lives and the lives of those for whom they bear responsibility (such as parents have for their children).
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A lawsuit has been filed by teachers in Cranston, Rhode Island who say their civil rights were violated when the city’s school department turned down their requests to observe Good Friday.
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