Blog Posts
Resurrection is Occult-Based Fantasy
Natural Defects
Will the New Talking Barbie Data-Mine Your Child?
Catholic Schools Must Refuse Honors to Sponsors of Same Sex Marriage
A Created Hell
You Can Help Persecuted Christians This Good Friday!
Known as the Collecta pro Terra Sancta, the collection taken every year on Good Friday to assist the faithful in the Holy Land has never been so important as Catholics around the world will be given an opportunity to help relieve the desperate needs of Christians whose suffering at the hands of Islamic terrorists has reached crisis proportions.
Mysterious Voice Leads Rescuers to Trapped Child
Four police officers say they will be forever haunted by the sound of a mysterious female voice calling out for “help” that led them to a car wreck in which they found a young mother lying dead on the front seat and an 18 month-old daughter still alive in her car seat.