Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSOn Friday, April 17, public school students around the nation will be permitted to remain silent all day to protest the bullying and harassment experienced by LGBT students – but what about the obese students and other groups that experience high rates of bullying? Is giving one group all the attention undermining the quest to end bullying in the U.S.?
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LT writes: “
I just spent the last half hour talking to my 18 year old son about lucid dreaming. For the past week, he has been consumed about it...reading articles, watching videos of people who are involved in lucid dreaming, etc. . . .
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A dramatic increase in occult activity, particularly among youth, has inspired more than 160 Catholic priests, deacons and laity to attend a week-long conference on exorcism this week at the Pontifical University of Regina Apostolorum in Rome.
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“I’m not very conscious of His presence,
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSYou read it right! Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that in order to stop global warming, the people of the world need to change their lifestyles – by doing more yoga.
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Two arrests have been made in the case of an incapacitated college co-ed who was gang raped on Panama City Beach, in plain view of hundreds of people who, according to local law enforcement, were “more concerned about spilling their beer than somebody being raped.”
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Pope Francis chose the Eve of Divine Mercy Sunday to present the official Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which will begin on December 8, 2015, and lead the faithful into a year dedicated to “living out in our daily lives the mercy which God constantly extends to all of us.”
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A theology teacher who was suspended from a Catholic school for defending traditional marriage on her Facebook page has been reinstated.
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“When tempted to despair, I have only one
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Andrea R. Jain
Pro-yoga folks around the world have taken a page out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and are now resorting to labels and slurs to marginalize yoga opponents and shut down debate.
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