Father Nicholas Gruner, the controversial head of the Fatima Center, died of an apparent heart attack in his office on April 29 and will be buried in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada on Saturday, May 9.
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Even though politics may be “dirty”, frustrating and fraught with failure, Catholics need to “get right in there” and become involved, says Pope Francis, even though some may consider it to be a “form of martyrdom”.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
While Hollywood and the mainstream media are all abuzz about Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner’s announcement that he wants to live as a woman, a man who has “been there done that” says sex change surgery isn’t the answer.
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“The knot of Eve’s disobedience was
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Judging by the answers to a questionnaire on family matters which was sent to dioceses around the world by the Synod of Bishops, the Church in Germany is struggling to understand and accept basic Catholic moral teaching.
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"Death came through Eve; life has come
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Messages sent via Twitter in the aftermath of a shooting that took place at a Mohammed cartoon event in Garland, Texas indicate a possible connection to the Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, along with the threat “we will come to your streets with death and slaughter!"
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The troubled empire of Bikram yoga, aka “hot yoga”, suffered another blow last week when a new study found that practicing yoga in extreme heat can raise a person’s body temperature and heart rate to dangerous levels.
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“No one may understand the meaning of the
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“He willed us to have all
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