Students across the country are turning away from the physical and emotional dangers of casual sex on campus, otherwise known as the “hook up culture”, and are forming groups to offer an alternative to those who want to return to good old-fashioned romance, dating and commitment.
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KS writes: “
A woman at our parish spoke to me recently about a line of products from a company she represents called Nikken. They offer items which are purported to ease pain and symptoms of a variety of illnesses and conditions. The focal products contain magnets, but their website doesn't appear to follow "New Age" kinds of marketing. They focus on the natural energy producing properties of magnets, etc., and their influence on the human body; i.e., a physiological kind of influence rather than spiritual. I'm always leery of things of this kind, though I know that the natural world influences us in many ways.
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British scientists are warning that hundreds of thousands of young people between the ages of 16-44 who have had multiple sex partners could be unknowingly infected with a sexually transmitted infection known as Mycoplasma genitalium (MG).
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“Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most
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On the Holy Eucharist: “[Jesus] could not
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“Yes, in silence we can actually break the
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JS asks: “
I am wondering if coconut oil can be New Age? It's so much advertised by media. Even olive oil has a lot of benefits, but it does not get so much attention nowadays as coconut oil.”
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The recent spate of socially liberal Supreme Court rulings should put the fear of God in the electorate in 2016 when it comes to choosing the next president who could nominate up to four new justices by the end of his or her term.
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In Wednesday’s General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis stressed the importance of togetherness in Catholic families, exhorting the faithful to eat together at home, and at the table of the Lord.
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"Oh Jesus, I love you very much.
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