“Our business is to love what God would have
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“You are not a saint because you keep the
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Kristan Hawkins, president, Students for Life of America
Much to the chagrin of the aging “pro-choice” generation of women, today’s advocate for the unborn is young, hip, on fire for life – and female.
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In spite of an impending storm forecasters say will be the worst to hit the DC Metro area in decades, the 43rd annual March for Life is on!
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MH asks: “
Can you explain the meaning behind the seemingly increased occurrences of seeing the numbers 11:11 or 1:11. People say they just happen to look at a clock when it shows 11:11. People in the New Age Movement say this is not coincidental, that it's the "lightworker activation code". Do you think it's merely coincidental that people seem to be drawn to that number or is there something else behind it?”
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“Against Christ’s army the world arrays a
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Pope Francis has instructed the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to allow women to participate in the traditional foot washing ceremony which takes place in the Holy Thursday liturgy, a ritual once open to just men and boys.
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The same California atheist who fought unsuccessfully to have “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance is at it again – this time launching a legal challenge to have “In God We Trust” removed from all U.S. currency.
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“I will be His who first chose me
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Parents of students at a Pittsburgh middle school are pursuing possible legal action against the West Allegheny School District after a school hosted an anti-bullying program that not only asked students very personal questions, but made their answers public!
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