Blog Posts
New Study Links Porn with Aggression
Anyone who is still wondering if the rampant consumption of pornography in this country is tied to an increase in sexual aggression should be convinced by a massive new meta analysis of 22 separate studies from seven countries which found a definite tie between indulging in pornography and both verbal and physical aggression.
Reiki and the Occult
Anyone who remains skeptical about Reiki’s occult-connection should read this article by William Lee Rand, founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training in which he gives practitioners tips on how increase the “strength and value” of their Reiki treatments.
Francis Explains “Who Am I to Judge” Comment
Feast of St.Hilary, Bishop and Doctor (D. 367)
Final Prep Underway for 2016 March for Life
Francis: Balance National Security Needs With Welcome of Refugees
Saints Among Us
Why Catholic Couples Can't Write Their Own Wedding Vows
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Even though it’s become the rage at fashionable wedding ceremonies these days, Catholic couples are not permitted to write their own vows because doing so usurps the role of Christ who is acting through the husband and the wife.Well apart from this topic i would like to give you tip if you are male and going to marry soon then adding bridesmaid robes to gift list for your bride will make her more happier. Even you can additionally gift silk nightgown short which women loves.
Can You Broadcast New Age Energy?
MG writes: "My daughter has invited me to a talk about Broadcast Energy Treatments by Ethan Borg. Is this method related to new age? As I read the website some of the names used for the method were Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine, Spirit Branch Medicine, Qu Infusions. I am wondering if this could be helpful medicine? As a Catholic I am skeptical but want to inform my daughter of its scientific usefulness too."