
Blog Posts

Chaput: Have No Sympathy for the Devil

devil with christCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput devoted a particularly hard-hitting column last week to explaining why any attempt to discount the personification of evil is a fool’s folly.

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What Saints are Made of

June 8

June 8

 “Greatness and sanctity consist not in what one does but in how one does it. What ultimately gives quality to our actions is the love, energy, and perfection with which we perform them.

 -Federico Suarez

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Overdose Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under Age 50

fentanyl 2Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had a sobering message for the media on Tuesday about the country’s staggering opioid epidemic – it’s getting worse - and drug overdose is now the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 50.

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Are Gaia Cards Okay to Use?

gaia cardsSG writes: “Might you be so kind as to let me know if this new stuff I have learned from a new friend is going against GOD our only healer or if I am ok using these cards . . . as positive things and affirmations? I was born and raised Baptist now Methodist and I need to know as I am very unsure and don't want to open the door to witch craft.”

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VP Encourages at Catholic Prayer Breakfast

national catholic prayer breakfast logoVice President Mike Pence, who refers to himself as a “born-again Evangelical-Catholic” gave an inspiring and upbeat address at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast yesterday saying that “life is winning” in the U.S. and that the new administration is committed to protecting religious freedom.

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Wonder Woman & the Wonder of Women

wonder woman 2

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

While most of the world hails the blockbuster movie, Wonder Woman, as a new box-office record for a film directed by a woman, the devoted mother who starred in the movie and who was five months pregnant while filming parts of it is a stark reminder to all of us that embracing authentic femininity can put the heroine in all of us.

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How God Finds Us

June 7

June 7

 “By reading and reflecting I found God; but by praying I believed that God found me and that He is a living reality and that we can love Him in the same way that we can love a person.

 -Servant of God Madeleine Delbrel

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State of Illinois Purges All Dissent of LGBTQ Child Policies

12301785_sThe Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has issued new “enhanced” policies which are aimed at promoting homosexuality and transgenderism among youth and say that they “will not tolerate” anyone who is not supportive of children’s “right to self-determination of sexual/gender identity.”

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