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Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping
Lenten Journey Day 29
March 14
Rejoice in God’s Greatness, Day 1
“We desire God’s favors for our own individual gain, and not for our advancement in virtue and the consequent glorification of their divine Donor. Mary’s self- renunciation should teach us how to overcome this deadly vice, even though the price of victory is for us, as it was for her, moral crucifixion.”
Woman Sues Bayer Over Mirena IUD
Isn't Energy Healing and Laying on of Hands the Same Thing?
The View (Finally) Apologizes
After a month of intense pressure, The View co-host Joy Behar finally apologized to the public today for offensive comments made against Christians.
Pope Francis’ First Five Years
Generation Z: Why So Few Believe
The generation of Americans born between 1999 and 2015 – who are the first generation born into the “post-Christian” world – say the presence of so much evil in the world, the hypocrisy of Christians, and the belief that science refutes much of the Bible are major reasons why there are so few believers in this demographic.
Lenten Journey Day 28
March 13
Rely on Faith in the Face of Doubt, Day 2
“Mary, being dead to herself, never longed for God to speak to her until He deemed it necessary for the accomplishment of His designs in her regard.”