
Blog Posts

When God sends his inspirations

August 25
"When God sends his inspirations into a man's heart, the first one
He gives is that of obedience."
~St. Francis de Sales
For Reflection:
The first sign if something is not of God is that it is disobedient to His laws or the laws of His Church. Is there something out of order in my life? Have I rationalized it so that I think it is God's will? Ask for the grace to be set free from the delusion.

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Leave all else alone

August 24

"Let each look to himself and see what God wants of him and attend to this, leaving all else alone."

~Blessed Henry Suso


For Reflection:

Until I know what God wants of me, I cannot give my whole heart to it. This quote suggests I look to myself and see what God wants. What do I think this means? (The next five Grace Lines will give some guidance in knowing God's particular will.)


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He who wills only what God wills

August 23
"He who wills only what God wills, possesses all that he desires. For whatever happens to him, happens by the Will of God."
~St. Alphonsus Liguori
For Reflection:
This quote requires some real meditation. I will take it into my prayer time today and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me to its great truth.

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The hand of God

August 22

"I will see the hand of God in all that happens to me, attributing nothing to individual people, who are but instruments used by Him in the work of my sanctification."

~Blessed Raphaela Mary


For Reflection:

How often I look at those that irritate me, annoy me, or persecute me in some way, as my enemies. Here, Blessed Raphaela Mary gives me new insight! They are the greatest friends of my soul, giving me opportunity to grow in holiness. How can I respond to this insight today?


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I worship Thee

August 21
 I worship Thee, sweet will of God!
And all Thy ways adore,
And every day I live I seem
To love Thee more and more.
Thou wert the end, the blessed rule
Of Jesu's toils and tears;
Thou wert the passion of His heart
Those three and thirty years.
~Father Faber
For Reflection:
Is the will of God "the passion" of my heart?

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A Pseudoscience Known as Craniosacral Therapy

PT asks: “I am writing you about craniosacral treatment. It is a kind of massage, physical therapy variant. In the Vatican document it is not referred to directly but I understand that it is based on oriental "energy" belief system. Would it be possible for you to enlighten me about this some more. People have been asking me.”

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A broken heart

August 20

"A broken heart and God's will done would be better than that God's will should be avoided."

~R. H. Benson


For Reflection:

If I truly believe that nothing happens outside of the providence of God, and that even in the sorrows and trials of life God is working out a great good, then how can hope and confident assurance in God escape me? What sweet and holy joy can be found in the midst of pain and suffering? (See tomorrow's Grace Line for a poetic expression of this sentiment.)


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Root it out

August 19

"Anything that does not lead you to God is a hindrance. Root it out and throw it far from you."

~St. Josemaria Escriva


For Reflection:

What is the biggest hindrance I am currently experiencing in my relationship with God? Am I willing to root it out and throw it far from myself? How can I take practical action?


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