March 10
“For in this century, we must no longer count on men to preserve the faith. The grain of faith that will be saved will hide itself among women. A woman cannot remain neutral in the world. She too is set for the fall and resurrection of many.”
-St. Madeline Sophie Barat
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March 9
“How often have I thought that I may owe all the graces I’ve received to the prayers of a person who begged them from God for me, and whom I shall know only in heaven.”
-St. Thérèse of Lisieux
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March 8
“When God sends his inspirations into a man’s heart, the first one He gives is that of obedience.”
-St. Francis de Sales
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SA writes: "
Years ago, I was invited to join a seminar on Pranic Healing. It is a method of healing that uses energy(prana). Among the organizers of the said seminar was a religious nun, so I felt it was ok and somehow it is allowed in our Catholic faith. . . ."
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March 7
“As for you, be steady and self-possessed; put up with hardship, perform your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
-2 Timothy 4:1-8
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"I was invited by two beautiful women to attend the Women of Grace study group in October. At first, I was hesitant to say yes, so I prayed about it. I spoke to the Lord and said to him, if I say yes to joining this study, I will need you to remove the worldly obstacles out of my path. Little did I know my prayer was going to be answered that fast.
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March 6
“Truly, matters in the world are in a bad state; but if you and I begin in earnest to reform ourselves, a really good beginning will have been made.”
-St. Peter of Alcantara
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A practicing gynecologist in the UK is promoting an unconventional fertility treatment plan for infertile couples that includes the use of crystals, shamanic healers, and chakra meditations.
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March 5
“Each finite creature can reflect only a fraction of the divine nature; thus, in the diversity of His creatures, God’s infinity, unity and oneness appear to be broken into an effulgence of manifold rays.”
-St. Teresa Benedicta
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March 4
“We can do nothing ourselves; God must do it. To speak to Him thus is easier by nature for woman than for man because a natural desire lives in her to give herself completely to someone.”
-St. Teresa Benedicta
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