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“Baby Buns” is Thriving!

dana holding kalebThe parents of a long-awaited baby boy, nicknamed "Baby Buns" and who was born 17 weeks premature say he is now close to two pounds and doing well!

The Daily Mail is reporting on the status of “baby buns”, the little boy named after the viral video his mother made of the moment Dana Graves told her husband, Arkell, that she was pregnant with the baby they had awaited for 17 years.

But only weeks after that video was made, Dana’s blood pressure became dangerously high and doctors urged her to have an abortion. She refused and insisted upon carrying the baby at least to the point where he had a chance to survive regardless of the danger it posed to her own life. In the end, little Kaleb Graves was born 17 weeks early and weighing just 13 ounces.

That was six weeks ago and Kaleb is now nearly two pounds. His eyes are open and his adoring parents are finally getting their first chance to hold him.

“It's amazing how far we've come, yet so far to go,” Dana writes on the family’s Facebook page. “ We serve a mighty God, we have incredible Doctors, Nurses and staff, then we have a wonderful supportive family and FB family network. You all let me know what to expect and things to inquire about. Without all of this, We couldn't make it!”

baby kalebShe was delighted to give Kaleb a sponge bath for the first time and said, “he loved it as much as I did.”

Dana and Arkell take turns spending time at the VCU Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia where Kaleb is in the neo-natal intensive care unit. Arkell visits in the morning and Dana stays with him during the afternoons and evenings. During her visits, she sings to him and reads the thousands of prayers and posts that pour in everyday on their Facebook page.

The pair suffered four miscarriages and one still-born birth before Kaleb came along. Dana didn’t even know she was pregnant until she went to the doctor to inquire why she wasn’t able to lose weight. The doctor discovered that she was five months pregnant.

She was shocked, but thrilled, and arranged a surprise for Arkell by placing a set of buns in the oven along with an ultrasound picture of little Kaleb. When Arkell saw the buns, he burst into tears, all of which was captured on video. Needless to say, it went viral, which is why so many people were concerned when Dana’s health took a bad turn and it looked as though Kaleb was not going to make it.

People rallied around the couple who were deluged by an outpouring of love and support from around the world.

“It's just amazing to know that we have so many people in our corner, so many people that have gone through the same thing and it's just because of God's grace,” Dana recently told WRIC.

Arkell feels the same way. 'I'm very humbled to the fact that so many people are praying for us and the prayers are actually working. We can actually feel them. They're amazing.”

But Kaleb’s battle is not yet won and his parents are asking everyone to continue to pray for his oxygen and breathing to improve.

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