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Baby Parts Investigators Issue New Subpoenas

Stem Express headquarters in Placerville, CA Stem Express headquarters in Placerville, CA

A refusal by the company who purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood to turn over bank records has resulted in the issuing of a subpoena by the House of Representatives Select Investigative Panel.

According to The Daily Signal, new subpoenas were issued on April 29 to Scinto Group, LLP and Five Star Bancorp to get the accounting and bank records of Stem Express, the biomedical tissue procurement company that obtained fetal tissue and body parts from Planned Parenthood.

StemExpress refused to turn over all of these documents to Congress after the Panel subpoenaed the company earlier in the investigation.

“In light of the advice we received from witnesses at our hearing last month, these subpoenas are necessary in order for the Select Investigative Panel to complete a full review of StemExpress’ accounting records,” Panel Chairman Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said in a May 5 statement.

“Documents uncovered by our investigation so far point to the very troubling possibility that Stem Express may have violated federal law by profiting from the sale of baby body parts. We have learned that not only is this investigation warranted, but further examination of accounting records is needed to get the complete facts about what was actually going on.”

The subpoenas are demanding that Scinto Group turn over the requested documents by May 11 and Five Star Bancorp has until May 17 to do the same.

The requested documents include monthly account statements, credit card transaction receipts and paperwork related to fetal tissue transactions.

However, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer insists that her company has been cooperating with Congress.

“Contrary to her [Blackburn’s] assertions, StemExpress has provided thousands of pages of documents to the Select Panel and other Senate and House Committees, including documents illustrating that we do not profit from the provision of fetal tissue to researchers,” Dyer said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the Select Panel continues to ignore the evidence, instead misstating facts and citing to documents that appear to have been stolen from StemExpress.”

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, the organization responsible for videotaping StemExpress and abortion industry personnel in the process of negotiating fetal body parts sales, questions why StemExpress is not forthcoming with these records.

“StemExpress’ accounting records could easily exonerate them if they did nothing wrong, so their refusal to voluntarily produce these documents speaks volumes,” Daleiden said in a statement.

“The raw banking and accounting records will tell the full story of whether—and how much—StemExpress and their ‘business partners’ like Planned Parenthood profited off of aborted baby parts.”

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