According to Movieguide.org, the new programs which are streaming on Disney+ ask pandemic-weary viewers to “unplug, relax, and refresh your senses for a moment of mindfulness…” which features 7-10 minute episodes which use scenes from popular Disney films to soothe the senses.
For example, viewers will watch baby Moana being called by the ocean, Anna and Kristoff walking through an icy forest or Baymax and Hiro Hamada flying over San Fransokyo, promising that “these iconic scenes become an aural experience like no other with the sounds of ocean waves, an icy forest and soaring flight. ‘ZENIMATION’ pays tribute to both the visual and sound artists who have created Walt Disney Animation Studios’ legacy of films.”
However, Jessilyn Lancaster, Managing Editor of Movieguide, is warning that these seemingly innocent episodes feature some of the most magical moments in the movies.
“The New Age elements are quite subtle and may be missed if a viewer is not paying close attention,” she writes. “Furthermore, a lack of understanding of the terms ‘Zen’ and ‘mindfulness’ could prove harmful for undiscerning viewers.”
She goes on to explain that Zen is an approach to religion that is based in Buddhism and seeks religious enlightenment by meditation in which there is no consciousness of self. Mindfulness, which is also Buddhist-based, is a mental state one acquires by focusing awareness on the present moment through various eastern meditation techniques. The shows also include the use of mandalas which are used in Hinduism and Buddhism to represent the continuing cycle of the universe.
Obviously, none of these beliefs are compatible with a Christian worldview.
“ZENIMATION intentionally introduces children to these dangerous, demonic ideals under the guise of creating a peaceful, calm environment,” Lancaster writes.
“As Christians, we must be aware that Satan is always on the prowl, looking to devour us like a roaring lion. If we let our guard down and allow our children to consume this seemingly innocent content without understanding the terminology and concepts behind the animation, we open a door to their destruction.”
Do not be deceived, she warns. “Instead, we must practice discernment with all content we consume, even if it’s billed as safe for the whole family.”
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