
Blog Posts

“Brain Dead” Teen Miraculously Wakes Up

All life should be respected from beginning to natural end, even when doctors think it’s all over for a patient, because the Author of Life can choose to intervene at any point -  which is exactly what happened last week when a 13 year-old “brain dead” boy suddenly regained consciousness.

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See You in Court! Challenges Expected to New Iowa Abortion Law

Even before the ink was dry on a new Iowa abortion law that will ban all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, the abortion industry announced plans to challenge the law – but confident supporters say “See you in court!”

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Woman's Botched Abortion Death is Why Ireland Needs Abortion Ban

Just as the country of Ireland is preparing to vote on repealing its' abortion ban, an autopsy report on the senseless death of a 32-year-old Irish woman who died after a botched abortion in a UK clinic should give the nation a stark reality check about the so-called “safety” of today’s legal abortion clinics.

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Lawmakers Target Planned Parenthood’s Title X Funding

There’s more than one way to strip taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood. Lawmakers are currently working behind the scenes to revise the country’s Title X Family Planning funding to prohibit these funds from going to any clinic where abortions are performed – which could cost the abortion giant millions in federal funding.

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Why Was Alfie Evans Left to Die?

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The Lord called little Alfie Evans home at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, but the burning question remains – why was this little boy left to die against the will of his parents and so many others who were willing to help him stay alive?

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Mother Seeks Justice for Daughter Who Died After Abortion

                                               Keisha Marie Atkins

The mother of a young woman who died during a late-term abortion procedure last year is now pursuing a wrongful death investigation into exactly what happened to her beautiful young daughter.

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Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo: Shining a Light on the Sanctity of Life

I love the Saints.  I love that the Church gives them to us, raises them up so that we can see what holiness looks like lived out in this life.  I love that they point to something better, brighter.  What we see in shadows, little hints in the sacrament of the everyday, the heavenly saints behold in full glory.  Here in the shadowlands we strain for a pale shimmer of heavenly sunrise, while they stand in full sun.

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World Rallies Around Alfie Evans

Kate James cradles her son Alfie Evans after his breathing tube was removed. (Photo posted by parents on social media.)

The world is rallying around tiny Alfie Evans as he continues to breathe on his own 40 hours after being removed from life support and his parents rush to appeal a lower court decision that is preventing the child from being flown to Italy for care.

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After Life Support Withdrawn, Alfie Evans Clings to Life

                                                  (Alfie's Army - Facebook)

Even though doctors said he would die within minutes after being removed from life support, two-year-old Alfie Evans has been breathing on his own for more than 15 hours as his parents pursue a last-ditch effort to have him transferred to Italy.

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