Blog Posts
It has recently come to my attention that several homeopathic enthusiasts are implying that Catholics and Christians should be encouraged to use homeopathy because of the many popes who used it. They are also pointing to an award given to a homeopathic physician by Pope Paul VI and to the fact that Mother Theresa’s order has also used these drugs as reason for Catholics to embrace homeopathy. Although all of these facts are true, when the story behind them is told, the picture looks a whole lot different!
Quantum Woo
CF writes: “There is a new book using quantum physics by Dr. Laura Berman. It is called Quantum Love and its sound suspicious to me. Is ‘quantum science’ a real science? Dr. Berman talks alot about science proving 'energy fields' now. Really? Her book is how your mate can 'feel' your negative or positive energy. I thought that was called paying attention!”
Reiki and the Occult
Anyone who remains skeptical about Reiki’s occult-connection should read this article by William Lee Rand, founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training in which he gives practitioners tips on how increase the “strength and value” of their Reiki treatments.
Can You Broadcast New Age Energy?
MG writes: "My daughter has invited me to a talk about Broadcast Energy Treatments by Ethan Borg. Is this method related to new age? As I read the website some of the names used for the method were Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine, Spirit Branch Medicine, Qu Infusions. I am wondering if this could be helpful medicine? As a Catholic I am skeptical but want to inform my daughter of its scientific usefulness too."
New Age/Occult Elements in Star Wars
While calling the film “wonderfully familiar and fresh”, the Christian-based Movieguide is warning parents to beware of a very strong New Age worldview which permeates the movie which could provide a valuable teaching moment for children.
UK Hospital Advertises for Reiki Master
The Spiritual Dangers of Acupuncture
PO writes: “I have been having acupuncture for 2.5 years on a regular basis for anxiety. The Dr. that is treating me is a Catholic and a MD. I have benefited greatly from this therapy. He does mention that I have had blocks that need to be opened and I do feel very relaxed after the treatments. . . .
Energy Profiling: Another Bogus Personality Test
J writes: “I recently read on a blog about "Energy Profiling" or "Dressing Your Truth" by Carol Tuttle. I started watching the video series on energy profiling and felt that it was very New Age or based on eastern religions. The ‘Dressing Your Truth’ seems to be becoming very popular. As a Christian, I am concerned about this creeping into our churches, ladies retreats, etc. Are you familiar with energy profiling?”
Why You Should Pass on Somato-Emotional Release Therapy
CF writes: “I have a question regarding a therapy. A friend of mine briefly talked about a therapy he recently experienced call ‘Somato-Emotional Release (SER) Therapy.’ I have not been able to find any information regarding this therapy from a Catholic perspective. Is this a therapy Catholics should avoid?”