We recently had a question from a reader asking if there was anything New Age about music that had been deliberately recorded at 432 Hz. At first, I thought this question was a little odd, until I looked into it and made a few surprising discoveries.
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MB asks:
"We received the gift of a board game called "The Way of Peace" . . . and would like to donate it to their Catholic school for use by school students in their recess or breaks as the students do play other board games. However, I wanted to be sure that this was alright to do.”
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We recently received a question from a reader who was wondering if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has any basis in the New Age. We are happy to report that it does not!
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JC asks:
“Is reverse speech theory in any way scientific?”
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The New Age prosperity Gospel is so well-packaged and delivered it’s easy to become enchanted by it. Otherwise known as the health and wealth Gospel,” people who espouse this teaching believe that God meant for everyone to be rich. All we have to do is ask in the right way, or be generous to others, in order to trigger an avalanche of cash.
As BB from Oklahoma relates, it was only by the grace of God that he was finally able to see through this preposterous misrepresentation of Sacred Scripture.
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GC writes:
“I am being encouraged by the nuns at our church to follow Catholic Women Preach, not sure if this is what I would want to follow. I am a ‘Johnnette Benkovic’ Catholic woman, very conservative and don't want to waste time with ‘progressive’ materials. Can you look into this for me?”
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If you or anyone you love ever receives a "prayer rug" or prayer form in the mail from an organization known as
St. Matthew's Church, pitch it in the trash!
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The New Age “prosperity Gospel” preaches that God meant everyone to be rich and happy – so does this mean you can rob a bank in order to achieve the wealth Jesus said you deserve?
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Scientists are continuing to study the phenomenon of near death experiences with their latest research involving an analysis of people who experienced flashbacks from their life as they neared the point of death.
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BT asks: “
Have you heard of blessing beads? A lady wants to pray over a sick teen in hospital...but she did not say rosary....so since no one in our Catholic circles has heard of such we are assuming something new age? I searched online but couldn't find any info.”
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