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Congress Subpoenas Suspected Baby Parts Peddlers

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R)

Members of a special committee of U.S. lawmakers who are investigation allegations of the illegal trafficking of infant baby parts have issued subpoenas to several of the organizations involved, including Planned Parenthood, who have thus far failed to cooperate with the investigation.

LifeSiteNews is reporting on the subpoenas which are being issued this week by the Select Investigative Panel and Infant Lives. This congressional committee has been charged with investigating the sale of tissue and organs from aborted fetuses which was the subject of more than a dozen undercover videos showing executives at Planned Parenthood and other organizations bartering over infant body parts.

The videos were produced by David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress, who recently appeared in a Texas courthouse after being charged by a grand jury with a felony in relation to his investigation. The grand jury charged Daleiden for using a fake driver’s license while neglecting to charge Planned Parenthood with any crimes even after admitting that the jury never voted on charges pending against the abortion giant, nor did anyone from Planned Parenthood appear before the jury.

One of the companies to receive the first subpoenas is Stem Express, the company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest tissue and organs from aborted babies.

An employee of Stem Express, a technician named Holly O’Deonnell, appears in the videos where she describes the heartless behind-the-scenes practices of harvesting the remains of aborted infants. In one video, she describes watching a technician restart an aborted baby’s heart, then telling her to cut through its face to harvest its brain.

Stem Express has since cut ties with Planned Parenthood.

The other two organizations to receive subpoenas are the The University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options [SWO], both of which are under investigation for close ties with a late-term abortionist named Curtis Boyd who provided aborted baby parts for scientific experiments.

“Last year, investigators discovered that the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center obtained its samples from SWO, where Dr. Curtis Boyd is one of a handful of people in the nation willing to perform abortions in the third trimester,” LifeSite reports.

Even though University officials said they didn’t have documentation of the specifics, the New Mexico Alliance for Life obtained a document which details how fetal liver and kidney samples were obtained 15 minutes after the termination of six babies ranging from 12 to 22 week gestation.

These three organizations will be the first of many to receive subpoenas for documents that could lead to serious charges.

“By failing to fully cooperate with our investigation, these organizations have compelled our panel to subpoena these documents in order to acquire information that is vital to the completion of our work,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), chairwoman of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. “Without these subpoenas, the American people and the House itself would be left to speculate about what is going on in the fetal tissue industry."

"We cannot leave questions unanswered,” she said.

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