Blog Post

Conspiring to Kill Off the Poor

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS 

Ron  Weddington Ron Weddington

A little-known letter, sent to then-President Bill Clinton in 1992 by one of the attorneys who drafted the brief for abortion rights in Roe v. Wade, reveals the deadly eugenic mindset ofelites who believe they should decide who is worthy of life - and who needs to be eliminated.

LifeNews is reporting on the shocking communication sent by Ron Weddington, whose wife Sarah argued for abortion in Roe v. Wade, telling the president that the state should use abortion as a way to control certain groups of people.

“[Y]ou can start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country,” Weddington writes in the letter, which was published in Taylor Carmichael’s The Seen and the Unseen: Abortion and the Supreme Court.

“No, I’m not advocating some sort of mass extinction of these unfortunate people. Crime, drugs and disease are already doing that. The problem is that their numbers are not only replaced but increased by the birth of millions of babies to people who can’t afford to have babies.”

He goes on to say that in 1989, 27 percent of all births were to mostly unmarried teens. “If current trends continue, soon a majority of the babies born will be born into poverty and one half of the country cannot support the other half, no matter how good our intentions.”

Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger

He goes on to reassure the president, “I am not proposing that you send federal agents armed with Depo-Provera dart guns to the ghetto.You should use persuasion rather than coercion.”

Weddington uses the experience of Clinton and his wife, Hillary, as a perfect example of the way people should regard human reproduction.

“Could either of you have gone to law school and achieved anything close to what you have if you had three or four more children before you were 20? No! You waited until you were established in your 30s to have one child. That is what sensible people do.…”

Weddington says he doesn’t believe birth control is the answer.

“No, government is going to have to provide vasectomies, tubal ligations and abortions… RU-486 and conventional abortions. Even if we make birth control as ubiquitous as sneakers and junk food, there will still be unplanned pregnancies. There have been about 30 million abortions in this country since Roe V Wade. Think of all the poverty, crime and misery… And then add 30 million unwanted babies to the scenario.”

Weddington’s wife had an abortion in 1967 while she was still in law school. According to this article appearing in The New York Times, they had to travel to Mexico to get the abortion because abortion was still illegal in the U.S.  She credits the abortion with enabling her to finish law school, after which time she became an active player in the promotion of abortion “rights” in America.

The incredible arrogance of this letter, which describes those less fortunate in such crass and unforgiving terms, is indicative of the eugenic mindset upon which the modern birth control and abortion movement is based. This was precisely the kind of attitude expressed by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and so many other self-appointed arbitrators of life whose only qualification to make these life and death decisions is the darkness of their hearts.

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