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Four Decades of Abortion Costs an Estimated 1.72 Billion Human Lives

In the past 40 years, a staggering 1.72 billion human beings lost their lives to abortion, with Communist China's one-child-policy leading the way with roughly seven million abortions per year.

According to Father Shenan J. Boquet, president of Human Life International, he began to investigate the extent of the carnage left behind by the "reproductive health" policies of the world when he learned about China's dismal statistics as reported by Simon Rabinovitch in "Data Reveal Scale of China Abortions". Since the onset of China's one-child policy, that country has aborted 336 million children and performed 196 million sterilizations.

"My first reaction to this news was horror and disgust," Father writes. "Remember that these numbers represent the actions of only one country, and its corrosive behavior against life."

He decided to ask Dr. Brian Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International, to investigate the number of worldwide abortions since 1973.

"The results were staggering! He estimates that there have been more than 1.72 billion abortions over the last 40 years, a trend that is not lessening but growing exponentially as more and more countries embrace and legalize contraception and abortion as methods of population control, which is always sold as 'family planning' and 'reproductive health'," he writes.

"Honestly, Dr. Clowes’ research left me numb. It is almost unimaginable to believe that humanity has sunk — and continues to sink — to such a level of disregard for human life. One would think we would have learned from history and the consequences of intrinsically evil decisions. As there was with the concentration camps of the Second World War, there should be outrage and outcry for the 1.72 billion children murdered in the last 40 years. Sadly their cries and those of our other most vulnerable brothers and sisters, the poor, the aged and handicapped, are drowned out amidst the growing waves of relativism, economic development and 'rights' without responsibilities."

This flood of sin has left us numb to God and His love, but we are not without hope, he writes. Even though modernity would have us believe that our needs can be satisfied through human constructs alone, a world without God, without Love, is empty of all meaning and purpose.

"Jesus shows us the true path of life by inviting us to share fully in His transforming love. His self-giving love lead him to the cross revealing that love is more powerful than death, thus destroying death forever," Father writes.

He quotes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who wrote in Introduction to Christianity, “Only when someone values love more highly than life, that is, only where someone is ready to put life second to love, for the sake of love, can love be stronger and more than death. If it is to be more than death it must first be more than mere life.”

A few days after discovering these terrible statistics, Father watched Love in action at an abortion mill in Bossier City, Louisiana where the lives of a baby and a mother were saved as a result of their peaceful witness.

"Love conquers and transforms the world! The breakthrough we need in today’s debate over life is found in Love’s true meaning revealed in the Easter message. The power of death shall not prevail. Evil can be conquered. Jesus is the answer to our questions and the remedy to our human dilemmas. Our full participation in His transforming love is the leaven we need to transform the culture of death into a Culture of Life."

We can stem this tide of evil, he says, "if every Christian fully embraces life in Jesus Christ and reflects this life in truth and love."

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