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GirlGuides UK Opens Facilities to Male Guides

Girlguiding UK, which is the country’s equivalent of the Girl Scouts, recently decided to allow males who identify as females to not become Guides, but has now extended that decision to allow boys to use the same bathrooms, showers, and tents as the girls.

Breitbart is reporting on the controversial move which was made public when the organization distributed an official guidance which instructs Girl Guide leaders to let transgendered members into changing rooms, toilets, tents and cabins with girls while away on excursions.

The guidance further states that it would be against the law for parents to be told that a transgender child joins their daughter’s group, adding that it is not “best practice” for parents to know if their daughters are sharing facilities with males who identify as females while on trips away.

Girlguiding UK explained that it changed its rules because “the use of gendered facilities, such as toilets, can cause anxiety” for transgendered children.

Earlier this year, Girlguiding Chief Executive Julie Bentley stated that the move to allow male children to join as guides follows rules set out in the Equality Act 2010, which “makes clear organizations providing single-gender services should treat people according to their acquired gender.”

Naturally, the decision has caused an uproar in the UK.

“It is a shocking and ultimately sad story that the Girl Guides would decide to destroy themselves in this way,” said Laura Perrins, a former barrister and family campaigner, now co-editor of The Conservative Woman to the Express.

“It was a proud organisation for girls and young women to explore the world and challenge themselves. This, like many other female spaces and organisations, is being ruined by an extreme minority.”

Other critics warned about the threat this policy posed to the safety and privacy of girls.

“The concern I and many feminists have about boys invading bedrooms, tents and showers, is disproportionately the victims of sexual violence are girls and women, and overwhelmingly, the perpetrators are boys and men,” said Julie Bindel, a feminist campaigner.

David Davies, Tory MP for Monmouth, said: “If transgender girls who are physically male are going to be sharing facilities, it’s going to make some girls threatened and uncomfortable and the Guides shouldn’t be doing that.”

Mr. Davies is right. Girls do feel threatened and uncomfortable at the thought of having boys share their private facilities. Pre-teen girls are particularly sensitive about their bodies and the mere thought of being seen naked by a boy can be almost traumatizing.

While teaching a Young Women of Grace class last year, the subject of sharing the bathroom with boys came up and not a single girl in the class was comfortable with the idea. In fact, the entire time we were discussing the subject, many of them were pulling their sweaters closed, blushing, and looking pained. It was painfully obvious that just the thought of it made them uncomfortable and anxious.

So why are we subjecting the majority to the same kind of anxiety we’re trying to spare the minority?

It makes no sense, but then, political correctness never does.

Girls of this age need safe spaces and both the GirlGuides and the Girl Scouts have let them down by pandering to an ideology rather than to common sense.

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