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Groups to Discuss Alternative to Boy Scouts

After the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voted last week to lift the ban on allowing openly homosexual boys to join the Scouts, plans are already underway to create a separate scouting organization based on traditional values.

boy scout is reporting that the fallout is continuing after sixty percent of 1,400 volunteer scout leaders voted to lift the 22-year ban on openly gay scouts, leaving many parents who want their boys involved in a morally sound scouting program out in the cold.

But not for long.

The leaders of, a nationwide coalition of concerned parents, Scout leaders, Scouting Donors, Eagle Scouts and other members of the Boy Scouts of America, will be meeting next month in Louisville, Kentucky to discuss an alternative boys' scouting organization that will remain faithful to the values upon which the Boy Scouts were once based.

"I am pleased to announce that OnMyHonor.Net along with other likeminded organizations, parents and BSA members, are announcing a coalition meeting that will take place next month in Louisville, Kentucky," said the group in a press release.

"There we will discuss the creation of a new character development organization for boys. While the meeting will be private, your voice is very important to us and will be represented there.  We will host and facilitate a national coalition meeting of former BSA parents and other youth leaders who wish to return to truly timeless values that once made the BSA great.  We welcome your comments as we develop our plans. Please share your thoughts with us at Contact@OnMyHonor.Net."

They go on to clarify that they are not leaving the Scouts voluntarily, but are going because the Scouts left them.

"Its leadership has turned its back on 103 years of abiding by a mission to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices. Instead, it is embarking on a pathway of social experimentation that we believe will place at risk the very youth the organization is entrusted to serve, while rendering as hollow the tenets of the Scout Oath.  Many of us find that unacceptable, and we have a desire to explore how we might serve families and young people at the highest standard originally intended by Scouting’s founder, Robert Baden-Powell.”

Other conservative leaders are hailing the idea, saying that the change in the Scouts' policy makes it impossible for some to remain in the group.

“Fathers and mothers who want their boys taught moral virtues now need to leave the Boy Scouts of America behind for reliable Christian-based scouting organizations,” said Randy Thomasson of, a conservative organization.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), who is a Eagle Scout, denounced the vote on the House floor saying that “Some of us in America still believe in the concept of sexual morality, that sex is intended for one man and one woman within the institution of marriage. Organizations that hold to this philosophy and promote it among our youth, should be commended or at least, you would think, tolerated. Unfortunately, the intolerant left bully and browbeat private organizations like the Boy Scouts into accepting their philosophy.”

He added: “Notice they didn’t start their own organization. They went after the Boy Scouts of America. The Left’s agenda is not about tolerance, and it is not about diversity of thought.  It’s about promoting a worldview of relativism, where there is no right and wrong – then using the full force of the government to silence opposition and reshape organizations like the Boy Scouts into instruments for social change. To my friends on the left, this is not tolerance. But here’s the good news about true tolerance: the most tolerant one of all has the ability to redeem us all.”

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