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Lawmakers Protect Dangerous Abortion Clinic

A Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis, Missouri sent its 68th woman to the hospital last Saturday, making it one of the most dangerous abortion clinics in the country.

According to Operation Rescue, a group of pro-life activists from a Students for Life group were praying on the sidewalk outside a Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood abortion facility located on Forest Park Avenue in St. Louis on February 24 when an ambulance arrived on the scene and transported a patient to a nearby hospital.

“What was so significant about this ambulance sighting was that it represents the sixty-eighth time an ambulance has transported a patient from this abortion facility since mid-2009. This makes the RHS Planned Parenthood among the worst in the nation for abortion patient safety,” reports Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullinger.

The students on the scene reported that the ambulance came and went without the use of lights or sirens which is significant because the state passed a law just last year making it illegal for an abortion facility employee to request that an ambulance run without lights and sirens because this can delay their arrival.

Although the status of the patient is not known, the most common complication suffered by women there is hemorrhaging, a life-threatening condition that Planned Parenthood is not equipped to treat.

Operation Rescue has obtained several inspection reports that revealed a “litany of shocking violations” such as deficient infection control measures, dirty facility conditions, expired medications and supplies, failure to properly sterilize surgical utensils, and poorly maintained equipment.

The facility is so dangerous that Missouri Gov. Eric R. Greitens called a Special Legislative Session last summer to specifically address safety protections for women.

“The result was a sweeping new law, SB5, that will ensure annual inspections of abortion facilities, and numerous other provisions designed to provide greater safeguards for women, more accountability for abortion businesses, and a better mechanism for enforcement of abortion laws,” Operation Rescue reports.

“When I look at the number of women who have been injured and the lack of basic sanitation they subject women to every day, I have to wonder how this Planned Parenthood can justify inflicting this kind of third-world quackery on women,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “With the bold new safety law in Missouri, we look forward to strong enforcement for the sake of the public’s welfare.”

While pro-life lawmakers work to insure women’s safety, pro-abortion lawmakers in the City of St. Louis declared themselves to be a “sanctuary city for abortion” last year, an action aimed at destroying pro-life pregnancy centers by forcing them, under threat of legal action, to hire pro-abortion activists and refer women for abortions.

Thankfully, that ordinance is being challenged in court.

At present, abortion activists are working to establish a legal buffer zone around the facility to prevent pro-life workers from engaging with women seeking abortions.

“The City of St Louis has made it clear that pro-life speech is not welcome in that city. Now they want to make sure effective, life-saving pro-life speech isn’t allowed there by making it a criminal act,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Silencing speech is not the American way. It is the way of totalitarians who want to lock down any ideas that they don’t like. In this case, silencing pro-life speech means the death of more babies. It must be opposed and exposed.”

By a narrow 15-13 vote, the St. Louis Board of Alderman decided on Friday to approve the buffer zone which will ban protesters within an 8-foot radius of a health care facility’s driveway. Under the bill, police officers can issue one written warning to an individual before issuing a citation. Failure to comply could result in a fine of $100 to $500, or imprisonment for up to 90 days.

The fight to protect women from this dangerous facility will continue.

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