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Lesbians Force Farmers Out of Wedding Business

Liberty Ridge Farms Liberty Ridge Farms

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A Catholic family in upstate New York has been forced to give up their wedding business for refusing to "marry" two lesbians, a situation that is becoming all too common in America where Christians are now routinely forced out of business by militant homosexuals who are intent on bullying the population into accepting their practices regardless of religious belief.

Christian News is reporting on the story of Robert and Cynthia Gifford of Liberty Ridge Farms in Schaghticoke, New York who were recently fined $13,000 for refusing to allow a lesbian couple to use their grounds for their "wedding" ceremony. Although the farm, which also serves as the family home, allows wedding receptions of all kinds, the owners refused to allow a same-sex ceremony on their grounds.

Lesbians Jennie McCarthy and Melisa Erwin of Albany attempted to schedule their "wedding" in 2012 when the Giffords, who are devout Roman Catholics, refused.

According to Erwin, Cynthia Gifford told her: "Now we have a problem . . . This is a decision that my husband and I have made. …. [Y]ou can’t do it here.”

The couple then filed a complaint with the New York Division of Human Rights, alleging discrimination.

The Giffords stood their ground. When pressed by reporters, Robert Gifford said he believes he has a right to decide how he will operate his business. It's not about the money, he said, it's about morality.

“I think it’s our right to choose who we market to, like any business,” he told WYNT-TV. “We are a family business and we feel we ought to stay down the family path.”

Administrative Law Judge Migdalia Peres disagreed. “The policy to not allow same-sex marriage ceremonies on Liberty Ridge Farm is a denial of access to a place of public accommodation,” she wrote in her decision.

This decision was handed down in spite of the fact that the Giffords employ homosexuals and provide other services to same-sex couples.

“Liberty Ridge Farm … has employed gay people and has conducted events for same-sex couples,” the Giffords' attorney, James Trainor, told reporters. “The Giffords’ objection was to hosting and participating in the wedding ceremony itself and not to providing service in general to lesbians.”

The judge decided to make an example out of the Giffords and fined them $13,000, citing a "goal of deterrence" for other business who might decide to uphold their religious beliefs rather than cave to cultural pressures. An additional $1,500 was to be paid to each of the lesbians. The Giffords were also ordered to provide proof that they have trained their employees not to refuse requests from homosexuals and to exhibit a poster stating that the business is subject to human rights laws.

Because of the order, the Giffords have now chosen to get out of the wedding business altogether rather than violate their religious beliefs.

“Going forward, [Cynthia and Robert Gifford] have decided to no longer host any wedding ceremonies on their property (other than the ones already under contract),” Trainer told reporters this week. “Since the order essentially compelled them to do all ceremonies or none at all, they have chosen the latter in order to stay true to their religious convictions, even though it will likely hurt their business in the short run. They will continue to host wedding receptions.”

The Giffords' Facebook page is filled with praise from people around the country who are applauding them for standing up for their rights.

"Thanks for standing firm on your Biblical convictions, you are an inspiration to all," said one commenter named Gary Glenda Duncan. "It is sad that we now live in a country where your beliefs are controlled by our government. May the Lord bless you for your stance."

Carol Patel wrote: "Just want to encourage you both for standing up when so many are backing away out of fear and retribution. Times have changed and sooner or later we all have choices to make between your convictions and your lifestyle. Thank you for choosing conviction, faith and obedience and being an example to us all."

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