Blog Post

Media Gives Satan a Pass

200258564-001Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As if it's possible, the media have found new levels to stoop to in their haste to make Christianity look bad. Now they’re either refusing to cover – or sympathizing with – Satanic retaliation against the followers of Jesus Christ.

A recent op-ed by William Donohue of the Catholic League points out the shameless covering up of disturbing Satanic demonstrations scheduled to take place during the Christmas season.

“This weekend, the Satanic Temple of Detroit will perform a ‘Satanic ceremony’ in Lansing, on the grounds of Michigan’s Capitol. Its demonic statement is being made to counter a nativity scene,” Donohue reports.

“On Christmas Eve, a Satanist and registered sex offender, Adam Daniels, pledges to pour blood over a Virgin Mary statue in front of a Catholic church in Oklahoma City. He admits that his display, ‘Virgin Birth is a Lie,’ is aimed at the Catholic Church.”

Both of these events are taking place with barely a word of condemnation from the press.

“If anything, media reports have been kind,” Donohue remarks.

As an example, he refers to a recent CNN show that gave very sympathetic coverage to Satanism by allowing an unnamed mother, who claims to be a Satanist, to blame Christianity for her son’s suicide. Absolutely no evidence was given by this woman to prove that Christianity had anything to do with his death. But instead of questioning the woman’s claims, reporter Lisa Ling actually egged her on. “Do you blame the church?” Ling asked. “Oh, yes, absolutely,” the Satanist said.

Another Satanists named Jex Blackmore, the national spokesman for The Satanic Temple, poisoned her child in utero and then posted a blog bragging about her abortion. Instead of condemning the callousness of the act, The Washington Post gave her glowing coverage, treating her like a hero.

The press doesn’t dare tell us the truth about the evil and cruelty associated with the practice of Satanism. They routinely skip all mention of the torture and slaughter of innocent animals – and sometimes people – that are a regular part of their rituals, most of which are aimed at blaspheming Jesus Christ, the God who is worshipped by the majority of Americans.

As Donohue correctly states, “This is the face of Satanism that the media refuses to profile.”

Although the truth is plainly obvious to the public, the mainstream media continues to behave as if we don’t know that they’re willing to provide sympathetic coverage to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and even Satanists – anyone but Christians.

Perhaps when we stop watching their news shows or visiting their sites, they’ll get the message that offending the beliefs of the majority of their readers is no way to run a news organization.

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