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Mother Speaks Out About New PC (Boy) Scouts USA

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Boy Scouts of America has hammered the last nail in its coffin by officially removing the “Boy” from its name, a decision that has left at least one mother very disappointed. is reporting on the announcement which came last week by Boy Scouts of America announcing that, in an effort to be more inclusive to girls (and boys who identify as girls and girls who identify as boys), the 108 year-old organization will call itself "Scouts BSA” beginning in February, 2019.

"We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward," said Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh. "We're trying to find the right way to say we're here for both young men and young women."

He categorized the deliberations over the name change as lengthy but “incredibly fun” which does little to lighten the mood of some mothers who see this change as anything but funny.

“Mothers for more than 100 years depended on the Boy Scouts to help turn their raucous little boys into men of stellar character,” writes Rebecca Hagelin, a pro-family columnist and author of Home Invasion: Protecting Your Family in a Culture That's Gone Stark Raving Mad, and 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family.

“As the mom of two Eagle Scouts, I can attest to the sheer joy and transformational power that marked the Boy Scouts before homosexual activists and feminists were allowed to strangle the organization.”

Her boys loved the fun and adventure of scouting, the hard work and commitment required to earn badges and pins, the sense of accomplishment when participating in public service projects.

“There was a lot of meaningful ceremony, too. Award nights were incredibly moving through the years as our growing young men stood tall to receive hard-earned pins and badges. And through all of the public service projects, memorization of codes and pledges, and outdoor and organizational skill development — week after week, year after year — they also would listen intently about what it meant to be a trustworthy, reverent man,” Hagelin writes for The Washington Times.

The Boy Scouts were also a great resource for single mothers who were raising boys without a father in the home. “The moms knew that their sons would spend meaningful time with the male role models they so desperately needed,” she adds.

“For all moms, there was great comfort in knowing that our sons were forming strong friendships with the sons of other parents who valued the same principles. Our families understood that boys and girls are fundamentally different, each with their own unique but equally powerful set of intrinsic gifts and needs.”

But just because the  Boy Scouts has devolved into a “genderless carcass” that will soon “vanish into the ever-expanding cultural quagmire of sameness,” doesn't mean mothers are without an authentic male scouting groups in which to enroll their sons.

Hagelin specifically cites Trail Life USA, a “Christian outdoor adventure, character and

leadership program for boys and young men.”

As the Boy Scouts enrollment continues to drop from its peak of five million members in the 1970s to just 2.3 million today, Trail Life has been adding thousands of boys to its membership list in 48 states.

The Boy Scouts is no longer the “only game in town” and mothers can now choose to enroll their boys in an organization that not only has a moral compass, but isn’t afraid to follow its direction.

“For all the moms who seek help in raising your boys to be courageous men of strong character, I have great news this Mother’s Day: Trail Life is ready to welcome them. To locate the chapter nearest you or find out how you can start one, check out”

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