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New Effort Aims to Get More Christians Into the Voting Booth

With the 2014 election season about to begin, the American Renewal Project is launching a new effort to get more Christians into the voting booth.

According to World Net Daily, the program will organize pastor policy briefings and voter registration drives in 12 key states during the 2014 election cycle - Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Alaska, Arkansas, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia.

The goal of the program is to encourage the tens of millions of evangelical Christians who don't vote to take a more active role in restoring America to its Judeo-Christian heritage.

The first "Pastors and Pews" event will take place in Des Moines, Iowa during the last week of May and more than 400 pastors and their spouses are planning to attend. Speakers include Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

If successful, this won't be the first time the Project influenced the outcome of an election. In 2007, when Iowa Supreme Court justices created same-sex marriage, fired-up Christian voters responded by voting out three of the justices whose terms were expiring.

The group, which is an arm of the highly successful American Family Association, also played an instrumental role in rallying Christians to support California's Proposition 8 which amended the constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

David Lane, who runs the American Renewal Project, told CBN the stakes are high.

“If the key to maintaining sustainable freedom is righteousness – the same virtue that produced freedom – what is the greatest threat to freedom? Unrighteousness. America has left God,” Lane said.

He believes the time has come to evict lawmakers of both parties who have led the country down this immoral path.

Martial arts expert and actor Chuck Norris and his wife Gena just produced a public service announcement in which they describe the damage that was done to the country when Christians opted to stay home rather than vote.

“It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and Obama won the election by 10 million votes,” said Gena Norris.

Chuck Norris cautioned Christians about the cost of doing nothing while the nation moves toward socialism.

“We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do, and it is because of that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse.”

As WND reminds, the theme of this year's Presidential Inaugural prayer breakfast 2 Chronicles 7:14, which places the burden of a nation's restoration not on it's leaders, but on the people of God.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

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