The New York Daily News (NYDN) has sparked national outrage over its December 3 cover which claims “God Isn’t Fixing This” and mocks GOP lawmakers for offering prayers for the victims of the San Bernardino massacre.
According to The Blaze, yesterday’s offensive headline was framed by tweets sent out by conservative politicians offering prayers for the victims and their families.
For example, House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted: “Please keep the victims of #SanBernardino California in your prayers.”
GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz tweeted: “Our prayers are with the victims, their families, and the first responders in San Bernardino.”
Instead of taking a day off from politicizing the December 2 tragedy which left 14 dead and dozens wounded, the NYDN wasted not a moment to use the occasion to push its anti-2nd amendment ideology. “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood,” the cover reads, “cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”
Apparently, the NYDN thinks it’s okay to push a political agenda the day after a national tragedy but not for the nation to offer prayers for the victims and their families? What kind of twisted thinking is this?
The NYDN takes it's anti-God agenda even further. It’s one thing to make no mention of the faith angle in a story, but it’s quite another to mock those who turn to God at such moments. Thsi is when they turn the corner from being just anti-faith to outright bigotry.
Even worse, the rest of the liberal media piled on, praising the cover as if the partisan hacks who inhabit too many of our newsrooms should be regarded as heroes for insulting the sensibilities of the majority of Americans.
For instance, during an interview with the Fox Business Network, Media Research President Brent Bozell quoted a tweet from a Washington Post reporter sent in the wake of the attacks that read: “Dear thoughts and prayer people, please shut up and slink away. You're the problem and everyone knows it.”
Bozell showed no mercy to the media over this blatant display of bigotry toward people of faith.
“It wasn’t enough that the New York Daily News saw no issue with publishing such an offensive cover in the aftermath of the horrific events in San Bernardino. Now, their colleagues at NBC, CBS, CNN and elsewhere are praising this garbage,” Bozell writes.
“The leftist ‘news’ media have unapologetically adopted the left’s anti-Second Amendment, anti-faith agenda and it has been on full display since this horrific attack. America is under attack and they want us disarmed. America offers prayerful comfort to the victims and the media ridicule it.”
Those of us who have lost loved ones know just how comforting it is for us to hear that someone is praying for our deceased. Death, especially the sudden kind, has a way of leaving survivors feeling very helpless. There is nothing else left for us to do but pray to the God in whose arms we hope our beloved now rests.
The good news is that the majority of Americans will continue to hold onto their love for God and neighbor and respond with compassion and charity during times such as these – regardless of the ridicule of the mainstream media.
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