Blog Post

Ohio PP Disposing Fetuses in Landfill


Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As if further evidence was needed to prove Planned Parenthood’s total lack of respect for human life, three Ohio clinics are now under investigation by the state’s attorney general for the illegally disposing aborted babies in a local landfill.

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting on three Planned Parenthood clinics located in Bedford Heights, Cincinnati and Columbus that sent the remains of aborted babies to disposal companies that dumped the bodies in local landfills.

Evidence of the dumping came about as a result of the state’s investigation into the possible sale of fetal body parts in the state’s abortion clinics. In the process, they discovered that Accu-Medical Waste, a medical waste disposal company under contract with Planned Parenthood was taking clinic waste to a landfill in Kentucky instead of incinerating it.

This is in violation of the state of Ohio’s Administrative Code which requires that a “fetus shall be disposed of in a humane manner.”

“Disposing of aborted fetuses from an abortion by sending them to a landfill is callous and completely inhumane,” Attorney General DeWine said in a statement Friday. “It is important the public be aware that these practices are taking place at these Ohio facilities.”

Planned Parenthood responded by filing a lawsuit against the attorney general, accusing the pro-life official of being politically motivated.

“Politicians in Ohio will stop at nothing to ban abortion in all cases in our state,” said Stephanie Knight, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio. “Today, we’re asking a federal court to prevent the state from this plainly political attempt to restrict women’s access to safe and legal abortion.”

They claim their facilities used licensed medical removal companies to dispose of fetal tissue remains.

“Planned Parenthood handles medical tissue just like other health care providers do,” said Jerry Lawson, CEO of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio. “We work with licensed medical removal companies to handle fetal tissue respectfully and safely. It’s clear from the Attorney General’s press conference that we’ve acted properly and legally, and this is just part of his longstanding political agenda to ban abortion in all cases. We won’t let that happen.”

However, the evidence against the abortion clinics was enough that Gov. John Kasich has asked the state's department of health to look into the practice.

"The attorney general has done thorough work and his findings are disturbing,” Kasich said.

This is the second time in the past two months that abortion clinics were accused of illegally dumping fetal remains.

As reports, three South Carolina clinics are also facing major fines after they were caught last month by the Department of Health and Environmtental Control dumping aborted babies’ bodies into landfills. Planned Parenthood is now facing up to $51,000 in fines.

It’s been a very bad year for Planned Parenthood, an organization that suffered irreparable damage to its reputation after an undercover video sting caught its executives callously picking through petri dishes full of fetal body parts and then selling them to the highest bidder. The sting resulted in numerous state and federal investigations that is costing the abortion giant hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal and administrative fees in addition to the loss of funds from several states and the most insistent calls yet for cutting off all taxpayer funding.

Although it continues to survive by hiding behind an increasingly stale “war on women” mantra and relying upon its largely misinformed supporters, there is no doubt that both financially and politically, this is a seriously wounded organization.

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