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Parishioners Protest Virginia Senator Tim Kaine

Kaine protest

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Although it received scant media attention, a dozen parishioners from the home parish of Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, stood on the steps of their church and let the world know what they think of his anti-life positions. is reporting on the small protest which took place outside Kaine’s home parish of St. Elizabeth’s Church in Richmond, Virginia on Sunday morning to conduct a peaceful protest of the Vice Presidential candidates portrayal of himself as a Catholic while supporting abortion and gay marriage, positions which violate Church teaching.

"He supports death, and therefore he should not get votes," said demonstrator Jacqueline Hawkins to WTVR.

"You are a CINO, you are a Catholic in name only," organizer Frances Bouton said about the Senator.

Kaine, who attended St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church in Richmond for about 30 years and served as a former missionary, once supported restrictions on abortion and admits to being personally opposed to it. However, he has a 100 percent voting record on Planned Parenthood’s 2016 congressional scorecard.

"Tim Kaine, quit lying that you are not pro abortion, because you are pro abortion," Bouton said.

Meanwhile, the Virginia Christian Alliance (VCA) revealed that the media deliberately ignored the protest even though press releases were sent to dozens of news organizations.

“Press releases were sent to approximately 40 news media, such as the Richmond Times Dispatch and television stations but only two showed up and none from Richmond: Washington Post and TV 29 of Charlottesville!,” writes the VCA on their website.

“Richmond reporters are avoiding Tim Kaine's dark side including his violation and disobedience to the core beliefs of the Catholic church. Will Richmond reporters not cover Kaine's dark side? Kaine's church is located at 2712 2ND Avenue, Richmond, VA. and the Richmond Times Dispatch is at 300 E. Franklin, less than 3 miles away.”

But the press was quick to cover a story about Donald Trump’s lagging poll numbers with American Catholics, says Media Research Center president Brent Bozell.

“As you can see, the number of protesters looks to be about ten, so a reporter could dismiss it as news due to size. There's just one problem with that: liberal media outlets don't care about protest size when they like the protest. See Cindy Sheehan, for example. Or to focus only on the Post, they ran more than 10,000 words gushing about three law-breaking, blood-throwing radical left anti-nuclear protestors and called them ‘servants of God’."

Bozell, himself a Catholic, goes on to say: “. . . [M]aybe these anti-Kaine protesters should have thrown blood on the church walls or broken a few stained-glass windows? (Well, not if they're faithful Catholics.) Catholics can also recall how the Post only needs one lesbian denied Communion to have a front-page hissy fit.”

As usual, the hypocrisy is stunning. The only thing more disgraceful is the number of citizens who continue to support these dishonest media outlets.

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