Breitbart is reporting on the survey conducted by Ipsos for the Williams Institute, a pro-transgender advocacy group based at the University of California at Los Angeles. The study surveyed more 17,000 people in 23 countries.
According to the poll, only 22.7 percent of Americans surveyed said they believe a person should be allowed to change their recorded sex or “gender identity” on government documents whenever they wish. In contrast, 44.6 percent said people should be allowed to switch their legal sex only after first complying with medical and/or government criteria. Twenty-three percent opposed any sex-related change to identity documents, and 17.1 percent declined to answer.
Of the 23 countries polled, the U.S. ranked 9th in acceptance of transgender rights behind Spain, Sweden, Argentina, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and Belgium.
The results of the poll prove that “political support from progressives for ‘gender fluid’ laws in the U.S. is far greater than the estimated 0.04 percent of the population which wishes to live as members of the opposite sex,” Breitbart summarized. “The lopsidedly normal results in the poll are a problem for gay groups and other progressives, who insist that people be allowed to freely change their legal sex, even without surgery or medical checks.”
Those who hold this radical position, mostly gay and feminist groups, do so with the intent of blurring normal sexual distinctions that are the basis of male and female civic institutions.
If they ever managed to get the laws changed in their favor, it would fundamentally transform single-sex sports leagues, women’s shelters, free speech, law enforcement, science education, and even parental guidance of children’s sexual development and health. Even scouting organizations such as the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts would be impacted.
However, as the new poll found, this “anti-sex” goal is opposed by most conservatives, moderates, and even some gays, feminists and former transgendered people.
“The vast majority of Americans have long recognized the existence of people who wish to live as members of the other sex,” Breitbart concludes. “Americans’ polite live-and-let-live culture allows them to ignore most occasions when the reality becomes apparent, and even to support some legal conveniences for men and women trying to accomplish the very difficult goal of living as members of other sex.”
However, the imposition of more radical views in favor of transgenderism does not have widespread support in this country.
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