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Pro-Choice Jihad Underway

If you thought the extreme antics of pro-abortion forces who wanted to throw used tampons and jars full of feces at lawmakers in Texas last month was bad, a new report by shows the situation is even worse in some parts of the world.

According to a report by Raimundo Rojas, director of Hispanic outreach for the National Right to Life Committee, a full blown "pro-choice jihad" is underway around the world involving well-funded activists who have been charged with attacking a Catholic Archbishop in Belgium, blocking exits at a Catholic Church in Spain, demonstrating during a Mass in Chili, demolishing confessionals, ripping out pews and painting sacrilegious graffiti in a church.

"Pro-abortion feminists under the guise of promoting 'choice' carried out these and other attacks in the last few months. Their actions make it seem that they have declared war on the Catholic Church with no regard for parishioners, common decency or law," Rojas writes. "Welcome to the pro-choice Jihad."

Many of the people responsible for these attacks are directly funded by international pro-abortion organizations with deep pockets. And they're going after Catholicism.

"For years groups like the oxymoronically named Catholics For Choice (CFC) have attacked Vatican policy as a way of promoting and demanding legalized abortion in predominantly Catholic pro-life countries," Royas explains.

CFC is the same organization that once disseminated a prayer card with the image of our Lady of Guadalupe on one side with a prayer to the Virgin Mary on the other imploring God for the legalization of abortion.

"They have no sense of morality or shame. What’s worse is that they regularly publish an in-house newsletter (Conscience) that is used almost explicitly to promulgate their misplaced anti-Catholic rage."

He cites a woman Joanne Omang who recently wrote an article for Conscience disdaining the Holy See's presence at the United Nations. Omang incorrectly blamed the Holy See for stalling negotiations during a recent Commission on the Status of Women by pushing for right-to-life language in a resolution aimed at helping to eradicate violence against women.

"Lost on Ms. Omang (and the New York Times) is that it wasn’t just the Holy See who wanted to promote the inherent right to life of all persons – but that so did a few European countries and Arab Countries and African Countries and Latin American countries," reports Royas, who attended the event. "Sadder still is that in their never-ending push for abortion – a UN meeting meant to truly help the women of the world became (once again) an abortion-rights-fest."

At this conference, pro-abortion forces were actually pushing for girls as young as six to be able to "fulfill" their "autonomous sexual and reproductive rights.

"Why is that ironic?" Royas asks. "Because the malcontents who stormed and destroyed the church in Chile were demonstrating their outrage at an 11-year-old girl who has decided to not abort a child conceived in rape.  So much for autonomy."

This proves yet again, "that pro-abortion militants aren’t just violent and extreme – they’re also hypocrites," Royas states.  "But mostly violent and extreme."

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