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Record Number of Children Questioning Gender

28249427 - little girl trying on mummyA leading UK children’s charity is reporting record numbers of children calling their hotline who say they are confused about their gender.

Breitbart is reporting on the alarming number of calls being received by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which operates the emergency Childline hotline in the UK.

New data released by the organization reveals that in 2015-16, there were nearly 3,000 counseling sessions with children who felt they were the wrong gender. This is in stark comparison to the 1,102 sessions held in 2012-13 when they first began recording figures on gender issues.

The charity’s counselors conducted more than 260 sessions with 11 year-olds who were confused about their gender. The most common age range for calls was from children aged 12 to 15 years.

“As transgenderism becomes increasingly prominent in the mainstream media and liberal culture, and universities adopt ‘gender-neutral’ speech codes to avoid offending people, an increasing number of children are taking cues to question their gender,” writes Nick Hallett for Breitbart.

Unfortunately, as the culture becomes more and more enamored with the latest cause celebre – transgenderism - children are being drawn ever deeper into gender politics. They encounter it everywhere, from Toys “R” Us stores that are refusing to label their products as being for either a boy or a girl to schools being encouraged to allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their “perceived gender.”

In October, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) came under fire for airing a show that documented the transition of a school boy into a girl.

Norman Wells, Director of the UK’s Family Education Trust, blasted the network for its careless programming.

“It is irresponsible of the BBC to introduce impressionable children as young as six to the idea that they can choose to be something other than their biological sex,” Wells said.

“The more we promote the idea that a boy can be born into a girl’s body and a girl can be born into a boy’s body, and that drugs and surgery can put things right, the more children will become utterly confused. Respecting and preserving a child’s birth sex should be seen as a child protection issue.”

The fact that children can be harmed by exposure to the transgender debate can be seen in the recent case of a seven year-old boy who was removed from his mother’s care after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” by his mother’s attempt to raise him as a girl.

Not long after he was removed from the home and returned to his father, the boy promptly returned to his former masculine behavior.

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